2013年4月10日 星期三

Grammar∣ worth, worthy of, worthwhile

The house must be worth at least $500,000.
This beautiful poem is well worth reciting.
She isn’t worth the trouble.(不值得為她這麼費事。)
The typhoon did millions of dollars’  worth of damage.

(1)為補述及指定形容詞,後常接of 再接受詞。表「值得……的;值得尊敬的」
This beautiful poem is worthy of recitation/ worthy of being recited/ worthy to be recited.
Mr. Parker is a gentleman worthy of admiration/note/the name.

(2)a worthy opponent/successor/aim:值得重視的對手/當之無愧的接班人/值得為之努力的目標


3.worth (one’s) while:為補述形容詞,表「值得(某人的)時間或力氣」
It is worth (your) while to recite this beautiful poem.
If you can get me tickets to the concert, I’ll make it worth your while.

Reciting this beautiful poem is worthwhile.
This organization is a worthwhile charity to contribute to.
My sister considers nursing a worthwhile career. 

