2013年1月22日 星期二

Grammar∣Still、Yet 用法

still 是副詞也是連接詞意為“仍然、然而”,在句中經常取代連接詞but語氣強過buthowever,做為形容詞意為“靜止的”。

yet = as yet, even now, until now, so far, thus far,  still 做為副詞意為“尚未…,迄今,還不能”,多半用於否定句和疑問句,用於肯定句中,意為“仍然”依然帶否定意味,做為連接詞意為“然而”時,語氣強過stillbuthowever,意義也因此不同。

He is still standing there. (still作副詞,修飾stand)-------------------------依然站在那裡
He is standing there still. (still形容詞,是stand的補語)-----------------靜靜地站在那裡
Still water runs deep. (still形容詞,修飾water)--------------------------------------大智若愚
I can hear the still small voice. (still形容詞,修飾voice) ---------------------------良心之音
(the Old Testament)

The young man is not married yet. (yet於直述句,寫句中,句尾皆可)
The young man is not yet married.------------------------------------------------這青年尚未

Has the young man married yet? (yet只用於現在完成式疑問句,只可寫句尾)
Have you finished the work yet?-----------------------------------------------------你完工了?

No, he is not yet married. ----------------------------------------------------------------尚未
No, he is still single.----------------------------------------------------------------------他仍單身
Yes, he is married already.-----------------------------------------------------------------

There is still time.-----------------------------------------------還有時間,不急(有的是時間)
There is yet time. ----------------------------------------------(現在)還有時間(但快沒時間了)

The man is still alive.-----------------------------------------------------活著(有希望活下去)
The man is yet alive.-------------------------------還有一口氣,奄奄一息(但恐怕活不下去)

yet = until now = as yet = so far肯定句多用於現在完成式的否定句中
I haven't finished it yet. -----------------------------------------------------------------------我還沒好
We haven't need any help as yet, but may be later.------------------------------我們還頂得住
Of all the men I have ever seen, he is the best as yet.-------------------他是我見過最好的人

yet = even now肯定句多用於讓步語氣(不肯定的語氣)的句子當中
You could yet succeed - Don't give up! ----------------------------------------- 你就快成功了
You might yet prove me wrong.---------------------------------------你還是不能証明我是錯的

yet = in the future多用於否定未來的狀態
He won't be back a long time yet. ------------------------他會有很久的一段時間不能回賴來
The holiday isn't a week yet. ----------------------------------------------------不到一個禮拜的假
You can't stop yet. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------你不能停

yet = more = even多用於修飾形容詞或副詞 
Boss gives us yet more work to do. ----------------------------------老板又追加工作給我們了
I am sorry to bother you yet again.------------------------------------------不好意思又麻煩你了
She bought yet another pair of shoes.----------------她又多買了一雙鞋(女人總少一雙鞋)


Although Mr. Chen is poor, he is honest.------------------------------陳先生為人誠實
Mr. Chen is poor, but he is honest. (普通)-----------------------------陳先生為人誠實
Mr. Chen is poor, however, he is honest. ()-------------------陳先生窮不過為人還算誠實
Mr. Chen is poor, still he is honest. (強烈---讚賞)----------------陳先生然而為人誠實
Mr. Chen is poor, yet he is honest. (最強---讚賞)-----------------陳先生然而為人誠實

Although Mr. Chen is honest, he is poor.----------------------陳先生雖然為人誠實但是很窮
Mr. Chen is honest, but he is poor. (普通)--------------------陳先生雖然為人誠實但是很窮
Mr. Chen is honest, however, he is poor. ()----------------------陳先生為人誠實不過很窮
Mr. Chen is honest, still he is poor. (強烈)-------------------陳先生為人誠實然而卻很窮
Mr. Chen is honest, yet he is poor. (最強)--------------------陳先生為人誠實還不是很窮


